How we maintained values while modernising family logistics business Kindred Delivery

Kindred Delivery is a logistics company. But peel back the first layer of Kindred and you will discover its origin story - one of a son who honed his craft and knowledge of everything in the fulfilment world from his mother who started up her own logistics company just a decade ago.

Young designers engaged
One-on-one mentorship sessions

The mission

Kindred Delivery is a logistics company. Peel back the first layer of Kindred and you will discover its origin story - one of a son who honed his craft and knowledge of everything in the fulfilment world from his mother who started up her own logistics company just a decade ago. Our mission was to design and launch Kindred Delivery as a new player in the market, in a way that stood out against the big boys, whilst retaining the essence of familial ties and kinship that sit near and dear to the brand’s roots.

The Brain Juice approach

We knew right from the start that Kindred Delivery had something special about them. But to unearth their uniqueness? We had to dig deep. 

Starting off with our signature envisioning workshop, we were able to work with distill the central concept of kinship and community that gave us a clear direction to execute the branding work. We uncovered their commitment to family values and the lifeblood of their business, their people. We took these insights and made sure we built the entire brand messaging, identity and assets around them.

To take the brand's value of community further we ran a purposeful design sprint with students from the Institute of Technical Education and Temasek Polytechnic to gather and reward talented designers through a workshop and week-long competition. The result was more meaningful relationships formed and impressive designs from our youth.

Our role

  • Designing and facilitating consulting sessions that would help us clarify the brand's goals, positioning and deeply held values.
  • Applying the insights gathered in an intelligent and sophisticated way.
  • Crafting an aligned and visually appealing brand identity through the logo, colour palette, messaging, photographs and more.
  • Designing and developing a clean, functional website.

Our impact

  • The conception of a brand that both generations could be proud of
  • 9 young designers engaged through the design competition
  • 4 one-on-one mentorship sessions with the top 2 candidates
  • 1 full internship awarded to the winner of the design sprint

A woman speaking into a microphone in front of a group of people.

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